We invited our members to submit THE ONE print from their portfolio that they would choose to save over all the others. They could choose their favourite piece of work from a technical or a sales point of view, or it may have won a valued award, or be based on a subject of personal importance - but however the choice was made, that print had to be THE ONE its creator would choose to save if they could only rescue a single print from their collection.

This exhibition was open to all members of the Linocut Printmakers Facebook Group, regardless of skill level or experience - all the work is self-selected - we don't filter submissions through a jury of any kind - and with good reason - browse this and any of our previous shows and, we're sure you'll agree, the work is incredible, inspiring and a delight to view.

Hover your mouse cursor over any of the images below to read additional information about the print or click on a print to see a larger version of the image and its associated information.

To purchase a print, you need to track down the artist in the membership list in our Linocut Printmakers Facebook Group - join the Group if you're not already a member!

Please contact Ian Cox (Group Admin) for any of the following:

- contact information for an artist (if you can't find them in the group)
- queries regarding the absence of a print you've submitted
- changes to the information attached to your print